Why are no visitors allowed?

Many times people arrive at our door wanting to just stop in and see dogs. That makes sense, because many times people don’t understand the difference between a Shelter and a Sanctuary

Little do they know that right inside our lobby door are elderly dogs, dogs needing medications, and dogs needing constant medical care. We allow many of them to rule and roam the lobby, because this is their living space. We can assure you that they get all of the petting and love that we have to give. What they don’t need is the unintentional stress that visitors unavoidably bring. 

Peace for many of these dogs comes from a quiet place they never had before, routine that they can find comfort in, and the sights/smells of the familiar people they have come to trust. Not all of our dogs are pleading for a new adopter. For many, this is their forever home. You wouldn’t want strangers walking into your living room unannounced right?!?

For our dogs that have been rehabilitated to an adoptable status, we welcome visitors who have a scheduled appointment. This allows us to prepare our space so that our residents can remain stress free. 

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