Angel Care

Video: Friday, April 15th 2016

“If you walk around and you have the mindset of crying all day long, they feel that. You can’t feel sadness, you have to feel happy so they feel happy.”

Once an animal is diagnosed with a terminal condition, but can still have quality of life – we place them on “Angel Care

They are allowed to have anything they want to eat. They are around people all the time and they can live life in happiness for as long as possible.

When ” the time” comes that pain cannot be controlled or, quality of life is failing miserably – they are Humanely allowed to cross to ” The Rainbow Bridge” in loving arms that cared for them here on earth during the end of their precious life.

This is never easy for staff or volunteers – but we must put a smile on our face and act like nothing is wrong, or they will feel the tension & grief. “Angel Care” is all about the animals.

We have tough decisions to make being a sanctuary, but we know that we are doing what is best for every animal who enters.

We do not make these types of decisions on our own, we are guided by our Veterinarian and with his help and knowledge make the decision on what is best for each precious animal based on diagnosis, what to watch for and what to do for them.

When it is “time” the animals will let us know – you can see it in their eyes.. they now want to fly free at “The Bridge”

We stay here to help other precious ones- knowing we will see them again..

At the Bridge

Current Dogs on Angel Watch

Vera (19yrs old)

VERA is not for adoption.. she is 19 Yrs old.. has had 2 strokes (recovered well) BUT she is on our ANGEL WATCH CARE program – so SHE is NOT for adoption.. She is just fine with that and loves getting doted over all day and night. Our WONDERFUL VOLUNTEER NORMA comes here every week to sit in the bonding room and pet any doggie that wants her to.

Waldo (14yrs old)

WALDO The amazing little senior doggie had his surgery done Sept 15th. He had a lot of bladder stones removed and one stone was semi-blocking his ureter which COULD have cause him to block up with urine.. He peed through it all. ALL STONES are out.. but he still has calcification of both kidney’s AND during surgery they discovered a mass ( described as gnarly ) was found on his LIVER. . . . THIS was not the news we wanted to hear. But if you ask WALDO – he will tell you there is NOTHING wrong with him as he walks around the lobby with the done of shame. NOTHING bothers WALDO !

Brutus (14yrs old)

BRUTUS is heartworm Positive. 
Due to his age and past living conditions ISHAS was asked by the Westpark Vets not to put him through Heartworm treatment.. Just keep him comfortable and happy for the time he has left. We agreed and placed him on our Angel Watch Care program. He is happy – he is warm and comfortable and he is loved by all. Please welcome BRUTUS to ISHAS

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